Market IQ works closely with the critical illness insurance industry, life insurance industry, companies, agents and producers.

Since 2009, Market IQ has been instrumental in the editing, design and publishing of the first two Registered Critical Insurance Specialist (RCIS) courses, study guides, self-directed examination and certification exam.

Working with The Critical Illness Insurance Centre (CIIC), the world-renowned critical insurance information and marketing resource, Market IQ has carefully crafted what is considered the leading marketing, sales and client-service manual and course for the critical illness insurance industry in North America, if not the world.

CIIC president and industry expert Alphonso Franco; South African heart surgeon and critical illness insurance pioneer Marius Barnard and dozens of other sales, management, actuarial and underwriting resources and experts feature prominently in the RCIS manuals and courses which are now compulsory components in many agents', brokers', managers' and support staffs' ongoing professional education.

Market IQ president Lyle Jenish was selected to write the Internet marketing component in RCIS One. Combining insurance industry knowledge with industry-best marketing practices, Lyle offers a critical-illness specific online marketing strategy.

Market IQ continues to work with insurance industry professionals and companies, including Sun Life Financial and Manulife Financial, advising on, and managing local, regional and international marketing and sales campaigns.

Conceptual Selling focused

No matter how many reasons you may have for believing your product or service is a great buy, they will mean nothing unless each individual customer has solid reasons and motivations of his own for wanting to do business with you.

Conceptual selling helps connect the way salespeople sell to the way their customers buy and is a highly customized solution or a concept designed for specific groups, niches and markets. It requires salespeople to first understand their customers' issues – what are their pain points, what are they trying to accomplish, fix or avoid – and then apply your expertise, products and services as a solution. Market IQ's consultative approach builds credibility and trust, and solutions that are difficult for competitors to replicate.

Market IQ's program clearly defines ways to reveal clients' and prospects' key issues and concerns in order to better focus selling efforts on what the buyer needs to accomplish.

Leading critical illness insurance & life insurance marketing techniques & tools

Services include: paid search marketing management; e-newsletter and e-mail marketing; corporate blog creation and management services; website development and management services; search engine optimization; social media management; creative and copywriting services; and market feasibility studies.

Based on industry experience and empirical results, Market IQ is pleased to bundle a number of Internet marketing services in a variety of Power Packs for critical insurance and life insurance agents, advisors, managers and companies. Recognizing the unique requirements and needs of each individual agent and company, Market IQ has created an easily understood, clearly itemized list of online marketing services that help agents keep current clients close and prospects and leads closer.

Powerful critical illness insurance, life insurance industry marketing tools

Working with the life insurance and critical insurance industry, Market IQ has identified a major challenge faced by many agents: maintaining regular contact with prospects and leads - ensuring they do not purchase elsewhere - while converting new prospects and leads in a timely and efficient manner. Market IQ's CI Power Packs help industry professionals succeed on both counts.