Based in Victoria, B.C., Canada, Market IQ offers web design, website development. Search engine marketing, website analytics and analysis, online reputation management services, and email marketing.

Market IQ develops professional websites and then markets them so they grow with your business.

Consumers rely on the Internet to find products, services, and businesses. They expect to find the information they require quickly and effortlessly through your website.

Market IQ's team of web development professionals will work with you and your business to deliver to your current and potential customers what they demand when visiting your website.

  • Clean, intuitive, professional website design.
  • Concise, informative, and search engine optimized copywriting and content.
  • Logical design of site navigation and presentation.

Keep costs low with a Market IQ content management system

Save money by adding and editing site content through a content management system. Market IQ websites include management systems that make adding news, products, and updates a snap! Log on and add, edit and enhance content yourself.

Market IQ will also work with you to help market your business and website through SEO, PPC (pay per click), link building, logo design, brochures, print advertising, and more!

Get a Web Development Quote

Franchised business services

Market IQ specializes in communication and marketing services to the business franchise industry.
Company principal, Lyle Jenish, has over a decade of experience working with leading franchisors and franchisees, developing communication strategies, and producing marketing literature and media. Lyle is also a guest lecturer at the University of Victoria's Division of Continuing Studies – Business, Management, and Technology Programs, discussing the business franchise industry, franchise marketing, and development strategies and the intricacies of the franchisor/franchisee relationship. A portfolio of media and projects is available here.

Advertising, Marketing and Design Agency Services

Market IQ provides third-party, outsourcing search engine marketing, analytics, and reputation management services to advertising and marketing agencies. Agencies re-brand Market IQ client search engine marketing material and reports and benefit from special agency pricing. This has proven to be very effective for agencies needing to offer clients professional search engine marketing services without having to create a new division or hire additional staff.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you are with an advertising, marketing, or design agency and would like to discuss Market IQ's search engine marketing services.

Market IQ's special agency rates are discounted - this allows agencies to calculate and add a fair management fee when purchasing Market IQ Search Engine Marketing and Market IQ Analytics services on behalf of clients.

Market IQ principal Lyle Jenish

Lyle has over 15 years experience as a managing newspaper editor. Lyle also worked in broadcast television and owns Pica Fish (, a book publishing company with numerous titles in distribution, including Canadian Rockies with Kids: Exploring the Canadian Rockies with Children and America's Desertlands with Kids: Exploring the Southwestern U.S. with Children. These superb titles are available at any major North American bookstore.
Lyle was also a feature writer with several prestigious magazines, including The Globe and Mail's Report on Business Magazine. In 2008, Lyle was a National Magazine Awards finalist in the investigative journalism category.

Clients First

Search Engine Marketing services get clients top rankings.

Market IQ has a small dedicated team of SEO, PPC Management, and Design professionals focused on our clients' ROI and revenue streams.

Keyword research]All search engine marketing begins with keyword research. Market IQ will do the necessary keyword research to determine your business's best search engine and directory keyword phrases. Market IQ's search engine marketing campaigns combine effective keyword selection, optimal keyword placement, and relevant link development.

Search engine copywriting and keyword placement

Rewriting your web pages for better search engine indexing is essential. Market IQ's professional copywriters will help you write more effective titles, meta tags, and other web text.

Site design analysis and recommendations

Exceptionally few websites are designed with search engine visibility as the underlying precept. Market IQ will advise you on strategies to optimize your website design.

Landing Page Development

Landing Pages are the series or groups of web pages that are explicitly designed for potential customers who find your site via search engines and referral directories. Landing pages are built to improve conversion rates and revenue streams. To succeed online, you must have a blueprint that includes information pages and revenue and conversion pages.

Site submission and monitoring

Market IQ will submit your site to the search engines and assist you with directory submission. Market IQ also provides site performance and data monitoring to ensure optimal search engine optimization generating more visitors and customers.


Market IQ is Google Adwords certified. Market IQ performs many tasks to ensure cost-effective, successful pay-per-click campaigns, including selecting the most cost-effective keyword phrases, bidding on the most relevant and cost-effective keywords and words, selecting and carefully structuring PPC management programs, writing compelling ads; designing and writing effective landing pages.

Social Media

Social Media and networking are essential strategies. Be it through blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Market IQ combines the experience of a proven SEO company with the creative and imaginative pedigree of an advertising agency to drive additional traffic to clients' brands, products, and services.

Corporate Creativity, Identity and Branding

Market IQ's creative and design professionals work in both the print and electronic world, ensuring the best results for clients of every type.

Contact Market IQ – Find out how Search Engine Marketing will make your company more profitable.